Friday, October 15, 2010


Have you ever met someone for the first time and recognized them? Despite the internal protests in favour of logic, have you ever just known? Have you ever met someone that, in a fraction of an instant, your heart encouraged you to risk everything for while your mind was busy trying to talk some sense into you? Have you ever spent time with a person and found that every. single. moment. spent. was exaggerated, embellished, monumental, mythical? Even the teeniest, tiniest ones? That each point of contact, each encounter, each syllable, each accidental (or purposeful) touch was pregnant with promise and passion, mystery and magic, celebration and sensuality and serenity? Have you ever been rightupclose to someone that you know just KNOWS your whole soul, that hears and speaks and listens to your silent subtext so that you needn't utter a word and still he'll understand you at your very core, will understand things about you that you don't even understand about yourself, will see things in you that you have yet to notice? Have you ever met someone with precisely the right smell and touch and taste and sound? Have you ever met someone with precisely the right sense of humour on precisely the same wavelength with precisely the right values and precisely the right philosophies and precisely the right passions and precisely the right way of expressing them, demonstrating them, sharing them, evoking them in you? Have you ever met someone who got right into your very DNA and caused you to realize that you'd been missing something you didn't even realize you'd lost? And despite all this knowing and all this magic and all this passion and all this promise, have you ever had to walk away anyway? Have you ever found your masterpiece and had to leave it? To just hang there? Just doing what it does?

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