Friday, September 3, 2010

Now we're getting personal..

Okay, so I inspire people. So, I'm all blissed out and loving life. We covered that. But how? Like, really how?

Allow me to illustrate for you..

Years ago I was a very unhappy, very unhealthy girl, you know, childhood traumas and all that. I had anger issues, little to no self-esteem, drank too much, smoked too much, used recreational drugs with far too much frequency, suffered from severe and recurring depression, stayed in destructive relationships, made bad choices that hurt me and others and truly believed with all of my heart that the world would be a better place if I weren't in it.

After years of feeling that way I reached a point at which I could tolerate the pain no longer and, in June of 1997, I attempted to put an end to it all by downing a bottle of prescription pills chased by a bottle of vodka and slashing my left wrist. Well now, that's a sure fire way to mess up a perfectly good weekend innit?

I hurt people. My family most importantly. The very ones that I thought cared not for my existence ran to my bedside in a heartbeat and helped to bring me back to life. I will never, ever, so long as I live, forget the look on my brother-in-law's face nor the tears on his cheeks as I opened my eyes and "came to". That precise moment was a moment of catharsis. An absolute catalyst for dramatic change. And so began a journey..

Healing. Living. Being. Here. Now. Damn it can take a lot of work. And man is it worth every ounce of effort.

So what effected the most change Lara? 

This stuff:

Gestalt Psychotherapy*. I cannot recommend
highly enough this path to self-discovery. The Gestalt approach to getting in contact with my Self and learning to live my life in awareness of my habits, behaviours and choices gave me more of the tools required to live fully and boldly ALIVE than anything else I have ever done. Seriously.

. It continuously astounds me to realize the myriad and far reaching benefits that  twisting myself up into a pretzel can have. The philosophy of Yoga married to the methodology of Gestalt (and the practice of both) gives me the courage I need to face life head on, with honesty and integrity and the faith to keep on believing even on the days that its hardest to do so. Om and Prem.

Raw Food
. This is the bliss. This woman's article is the closest thing I have ever found to a perfect description of my own approach and experience. Yummalicious!

Systems that work. Isagenix is a complete nutritional and cleansing system that is quickly becoming the most recognized and utilized around the world. I appreciate the company for its integrity and culture of inclusivity. Isagenix systems pull together all of the fabulous ingredients that I was already consuming, loving and advocating as a raw-foodie and offers a program that makes it
easy for folks to transition to a lifestyle of health and wellness that is sustainable for the long-haul. Try it! It works!

Inspiration from others. Bruce Mau's Incomplete Manifesto for Growth is one among hundreds of sources of inspiration that bring me pleasure for pleasure's sake and that serve to remind me: I am not alone..

AvoGoddess Signing Off

"Fear not mistakes. There are none." ~ Miles Davis 

* I must also credit the GIT with providing the words that I have chosen to use as my blog title. The slogan, Courage. Choice. Change. was coined by a Gestalt student many years ago and has become a personal mantra of mine.

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